Naturopathy & Fasting
“The food you eat can either be the safest and most powerful form of medicine, or the quickest poison.”
It’s important to remember, that you were designed to be well!
You can think of your body like it is one of the most advanced forms of technology on the planet! It actually comes with it’s own built in self-healing mechanism.
Our job, is just to re-activate this healing process through aligning to a natural diet, and completing a series of fasts to cleanse the body.
Fasting is incredibly effective, because human beings are actually intended to heal through fasting.
When we fast, the body goes into a state called ‘autophagy’ or ‘self-digestion’.
This is where the body will run on it’s own reserves, and also break down needless old tissues such as: fat, tumours, and blood-vessel plaque to use for energy.
So, when we are fasting regularly and going into autophagy, the whole body system becomes rejuvenated and restored over time, because the burden of diseased tissue is removed.
In the fasting world we say,
“Any fool can fast, but it takes a wise man to break a fast properly.”
This is because the correct preparation, and ending to a fast is completely paramount. In order to achieve the healing results you desire, it’s important to ease the body gently into and out of the fasted state with minimal stress.
This is why, all of my clients are given a complete herbal protocol and diet guidance for each side of the fast, which will change over time depending on their unique bodily needs.
After almost a decade of fasting practice, I understand the delicate art of fasting needs to be respected and treated wisely.
Please approach with care and book a healing package with me for best results.