“Fasting and prayer saved my life.”
Hi! I’m Leonie,
I am first and foremost a child of God!
I am also a survivor of severe and chronic illness that left me paralysed and in full body pain at 21 years old.
Here’s a little bit of my story:
In 2018, I went from being a high achieving academic and athlete to becoming bed-bound almost over night. I was one of those ‘undiagnosed diagnoses’, meaning nobody really knew what was wrong with me.
All I knew is that I hurt…badly! That I couldn’t walk further than my front door, and that the walls of my house (and my mind) seemed to be caving in on me.
I spent most days and nights awake, in bed, researching.
I read and listened to anything about health I could get my hands on. I was determined to try and understand the human body, and I tried and failed many times with many different protocols…
Until eventually, exhausted and numb…I stumbled across fasting.
Praise God!
The ancient practice of fasting for health changed my life, and also saved my life. Through His grace and my own strong will I was able to heal the incurable with a series of long fasts and a lot of prayer.
Fast forward to now, I have spent almost a decade in the natural health field, studying the body and helping others. I am a trained Naturopath with specialism in Regenerative Detoxification, Iridology and Therapeutic Fasting to heal the body.
I believe fully and completely in the body’s ability to heal itself if we create the right conditions. Your body’s ability to heal is greater than you can even imagine.
My years of being bed-bound and suffering shaped me as a person. I will never forget what it feels like to be alone and in pain. I will never forget what it feels like to believe you will be stuck forever.
But, I also, will always remember the feeling of becoming freed from pain!
I believe that no matter who you are, or where you are, there is healing available to you.
We just need to create the right conditions, and put in the work.
(Oh and pray!)